
What are Missouri’s adoption laws?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Friday, August 14, 2015.

There are many reasons that an individual or a couple may wish to adopt a child: some same-sex couples who cannot conceive together choose to adopt in order to expand their families and some people simply want to provide a better life for children who have no caregiving relationships with their parents. Regardless of the reasons, those who wish to adopt are encouraged to do so, but armed with the necessary knowledge.

Adoption falls under the umbrella of family law, and like any other area of law, there are rules and regulations that oversee the process. Additionally, there are some restrictions that those seeking to adopt should know about. Adoption is largely regulated at the state level, which means that you should take care to familiarize yourself with the specific laws regarding adoption in your state, such as residency requirements or eligibility for adoption.

In Missouri, nearly all adults who are older than 21 can adopt, but they must meet certain requirements designed to ensure that an adopted child is going to a good home. These requirements include things such as good health, stable income and passing a background check. It is also important to remember that children who are older than 13 must provide their consent for an adoption to be viable.

Many things can go wrong during the adoption process, but there are also complications that may arise after an adoption. For example, there is a one-year statute of limitations in which an adoption can be challenged, and there is always the chance that the child’s birth parents may seek to become more involved in the child’s life, which could bring issues of child custody into the equation. If you are seeking to adopt in Missouri, consider enlisting the aid of an attorney to help your adoption go smoothly.

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