
Missouri law cracks down on domestic violence

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Wednesday, July 9, 2014.

Domestic abuse is a serious matter that could be affecting someone you know, even if they don’t show any signs. Victims of domestic violence are sometimes led to believe that nobody will help them, or they are controlled through fear, believing that even if they inform the authorities, it will just make their abuser even angrier. There have been concerted efforts by Missouri law and law enforcers to curb these instances, but raising awareness about domestic abuse is never a bad thing.

Home is the one place that everyone should feel safe and secure. It should be what people look forward to, relaxing after a long day at school or work, but for victims of domestic abuse, it’s an endless nightmare in which they feel alone and victimized. A deputy chief of Kansas City, Missouri, recently reminisced about such an instance wherein a woman was physically abused by her husband, but didn’t want to press charges out of fear.

Fortunately for victims of domestic abuse, Missouri law has changed since then, and officers can arrest abusers whether the victim cooperates or not. This means that victims of domestic abuse don’t have to put themselves in any situation that they feel is risky or makes them uncomfortable, but abusers can still be brought to justice by the legal system. Officers can now ask victims a series of questions that help discern if there is danger present, and the officer can intervene immediately.

Missouri is very stringent about its domestic abuse laws, and anyone who has faced or is currently facing domestic abuse should know that. In order to better protect victims of domestic violence, Missouri has given law enforcement room to act so that abusers can no longer use fear to control their victims and get away with their crimes. If you are suffering from domestic abuse or know someone who may be, don’t hesitate to seek help.

Source:, “Police use stronger laws to combat domestic violence in Kansas City,” Mark Clegg, July 1, 2014

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