
What should I know about Orders of Protection?

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Monday, January 12, 2015.

The state of Missouri pulls no punches when it comes to issues of domestic violence, with many laws in place to thoroughly investigate and act against domestic violence allegations. Suffering from domestic abuse can be frightening, and you may feel that you have no way to defend yourself, but remember that the law is on your side. Coming forward with your case and alleging domestic abuse can be the first step on a road that will free you from your abuser forever, starting with an Order of Protection.

An Order of Protection is designed to protect victims who have been abused by spouses or ex-spouses, sexual partners, relatives or domestic partners. Victims who are in immediate danger may be issued an Ex-Parte Order of Protection by a judge, which goes into effect immediately, even if the abuser does not know about it and even before an official hearing is held. After a court hearing in which both parties are present, the courts may grant victims a Full Order of Protection if they believe that the domestic abuse allegations are valid.

If you would like to file for an OP, you may do so in your own county, in the county where the abuse occurred or in the county where your abuser lives. There is no fee for filing for an OP, so there is nothing holding you back or preventing you from taking charge.

We know that gathering up the courage to accuse your abuser is easier said than done, which is why victims of domestic abuse are encouraged to meet with an attorney who can explain the legal process to them. With the help of a legal counselor who is familiar with domestic abuse laws, victims will hopefully be reassured enough to take action in their own defense.

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