
Missouri senator pushing for benefits for domestic abuse victims

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Monday, December 22, 2014.

Domestic abuse is and always has been a serious issue, and nobody would claim otherwise. However, in many ways it seems that the country is still playing catch-up when it comes to addressing and treating this serious issue. Due to some high profile cases, domestic abuse has been thrust more prominently into public awareness than it has been in some time, but knowing about the problem and taking steps to fix it are two different things.

Missouri has aggressive laws in place when it comes to domestic abuse, with strict laws in place to prevent domestic abuse when possible and protect those who have been victims. Now, a state senator of Missouri is proposing legislation that would allow victims of domestic abuse to receive time off work to recover from their physical injuries and try to cope with their psychological ones.

The proposed legislation would require abused employees to give their employers two days advance notification before being able to take unpaid leave, the length of which varies depending on the size of the company. During this time, the victims would be able to seek counseling, legal help or any other form of assistance they need to help them recover from the trauma. Employers would not be allowed to discriminate against those seeking utilize unpaid leave.

This legislation would likely be quite helpful to those who are afraid of having to suffer through work while struggling to keep their emotions bottled up. Internalizing the issues is rarely the best option, and seeking counseling is highly recommended for victims of domestic abuse. Those who seek the additional security of legal protection ma be well served to consult with an attorney in order to get protective orders to ensure the safety of themselves and their children.

Source:, “Missouri bill would give leave for abuse victims,” Dec. 10, 2014

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