
Some statistics on domestic violence

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Wednesday, September 24, 2014.

Everyone can agree that domestic violence is a horrible tragedy, and we can only guess how hard it must be for the victims who suffer from it. What you might not know is just how common domestic violence is and how many people are affected. It may seem like something that only happens to a few people, but it is a real and serious threat to a significant portion of the population.

Statistics indicate that domestic violence is a much greater threat to women than it is to men, as a quarter of women will be victimized by domestic violence at some point in their lives. This violence can sometimes prove fatal, as 1 in 3 female homicide victims are murdered by current or former partners annually. Still, this does not mean that men do not face incidents of domestic violence either. In fact, nearly 3 million physical assaults happen to men.

Domestic violence affects more than just the victim. It is estimated more than 3 million children are exposed to domestic violence in their homes each year, with a percentage of these children suffering abuse themselves. Statistics indicate that witnessing domestic violence could also have serious adverse effects on a child’s health, such as frequent sickness or headaches.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may be feeling frightened or alone, as though you have no options. Missouri has very clear and serious laws in place to protect victims of domestic violence. It can be a very frightening prospect, but speaking out about your abuse can bring an end to the violence. Meeting with an attorney can start a protection process that may eventually lead to a restraining order, which can help you regain control of your life.

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