
Pediatrician sets guidelines for divorcing parents

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Friday, October 26, 2018.

In Missouri and across the United States, divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience. For children, a divorce may mean separation from a parent, a change in routine and a new residence or school. Combined, these changes may create distress in a child that can manifest in behavioral changes, emotional outbursts and poor performance in school. In order to handle these changes as a divorcing parent and equip children with the tools needed to persevere, a nationally recognized pediatrician and author has recommended a set of guidelines for parents to follow.

Among these guidelines are maintaining consistency in routine, providing reassurance and co-parenting when possible. In addition, the guidelines recommend fostering the following in children: character building, healthy coping mechanisms, the ability to responsibly control situations, and connection between parents, peers and teachers. It is believed that abiding by these guidelines will make transitioning easier for parents and children when facing family legal issues.

The author of the guidelines also emphasizes that divorcing parents must find healthy ways to cope with stress so that they can focus on the well-being of any children involved in the process. Things to avoid during this time include turning to alcohol or drugs in an attempt to relieve stress or introducing new romantic partners into a child’s life too soon. Instead, the guidelines suggest taking time to assess things from a child’s point of view and concentrate on offering support from that perspective instead of relying on one’s own experience.

Parents who are navigating a divorce often face unique legal challenges. Because each family situation is different, a family law attorney may be a resource to turn to for advice, guidance and legal representation. In situations involving custody, child support or asset disputes, divorce attorneys may represent clients in court to handle such complex topics, allowing parents to focus on providing time and care for their children during a divorce proceeding.

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