
Women often face surprises after divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Monday, July 16, 2018.

Missouri wives who are interested in getting a divorce may be interested to learn about a survey of women in the same boat. Out of 1,785 women who were polled, 46 percent stated that getting a divorce resulted in unpleasant financial surprises.

The participants in the survey included women who were about to get divorced, in the middle of the divorce process and already divorced. Women who were 55 years old or older made up 22 percent of the participants; the majority of these women were already divorced.

Divorced and divorcing women are very likely to encounter certain financial surprises during the separation process. Many women tend to be unaware of exactly how much marital debt they share with their spouses and are surprised that they will not be able to retain the marital home. Some wives also fail to foresee that they will have to reenter the workforce and that the spousal or child support they receive will not last as long they thought it would or be as much. The excessive costs associated with obtaining health care insurance and getting a divorce may also be surprising to women.

It is important that women are fully aware of their shared net worth with their spouses and are able to note all of the separate and joint expenses before they engage in negotiations for divorce settlement terms. The post-divorce life can be much more difficult than it needs to be for a wife who is not fully aware of her financial standing during marriage.

An attorney may help a client develop a legal strategy that could resolve family law matters related to divorce. If necessary, the lawyer may engage in litigation to protect the rights of the client.

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