
Military spouses sacrifice career aspirations to their detriment

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Military Divorce on Saturday, September 3, 2016.

If you married a member of our nation’s armed services, you likely anticipated that you would have to make numerous sacrifices. Of course, there are long periods of time when your spouse is deployed or on maneuvers during which you are solely in charge of all household duties. You may have also had to move numerous times, following your spouse to his or her next assignment.

Such circumstances can make it difficult to maintain relationships or even establish some sense of continuity. Moreover, it is quite possible that your professional aspirations have taken a backseat. You may have trouble getting and keeping a job of your own, thus your career development has become stifled.

This is a very common problem. In fact, a recent study revealed that the unemployment rate for military spouses may be as high as 42 percent. And employed military spouses are often paid less than their civilian counterparts, even if they have a college education.

This aspect of military life may be frustrating, but as long as the marriage is strong, the situation is at least tolerable. After all, one of you is gainfully employed and working on a career. But what happens if the marriage collapses and a divorce is imminent? In such a case, your sacrifices become true liabilities as you have been unable to build your own resume. And that could make it far more difficult to get the kind of job you need to start your new life.

If what you are reading describes your current set of circumstances, then you understand how critical it is that you receive a fair divorce settlement. Given the length of the marriage, you may be entitled to a share of your spouse’s military benefits. You may also need to seek child support, spousal support and an equitable division of property and assets. An experienced divorce attorney who understands the specific needs of military spouses can act on your behalf as you pursue the financial support and benefits to which you are entitled.

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