
Domestic violence victims may benefit from new law

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Thursday, June 23, 2016.

Anyone who has experienced the emotional and physical consequences of domestic violence understands the true complexities of the problem. Outsiders may wonder why a person doesn’t simply leave. But it is not always so easy. In some cases, an abuser may try to pursue a victim who is attempting to break free. Therefore, it is very important that the victim’s whereabouts remain a mystery to the abuser.

Missouri lawmakers recently passed a bill that will offer a bit of relief for those who are exiting domestic violence situations. The new law, which awaits the governor’s final approval, will allow domestic violence victims to transfer their cell phone numbers from one service to another without being charged a cancellation fee. In this way, victims can separate their cell phone accounts from those of their abusers.

Commenting on the bill, a Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence representative said that the policy will be extremely beneficial for victims who are trying to extricate themselves from abusive circumstances. She points out that the abuser could track a victim via a phone. But under the law, victims can retain their numbers so they can stay in contact with friends, family and other supporters.

This law is just a recent example of the kinds of protections that are afforded individuals who are attempting to get out of dangerous domestic situations. If your situation has become untenable and you feel your partner poses a genuine threat to your health and well-being, you may want to contact a Missouri family law attorney. The attorney can help you deal with protective orders and other important issues. With the right support, you can start your life anew and free of fear.

Source: Missourinet, “”Missouri bill to help domestic violence victims signed into law,” Mike Lear, June 10, 2016

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