
Protect yourself from domestic violence before it’s too late

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Friday, November 13, 2015.

There is almost nobody in the country that would try to defend the actions of a domestic abuser. For most people, even if they have never experienced domestic abuse directly, there are few things more terrifying than the thought that going back to your home, the place where you should be safe, able to escape from the world, is more like walking into your own personal hell. Worse yet is the fear that you have no options, that you are stuck suffering the abuse for the rest of your life.

Unfortunately for some victims of domestic abuse, the rest of their lives are not as long as they might hope. If domestic abuse goes unchecked, it can escalate to more than hidden bruises or psychological torture, instead becoming life-threatening physical damage. Such an incident occurred in Missouri last year, when a woman was found dead in the home she shared with her husband. Police said that the woman’s body showed incredibly extensive injuries, including multiple broken bones and bruises.

The woman’s husband claimed that his wife was murdered by someone else and that some of her injuries came from rough, consensual sex. Later, he pleaded guilty to the murder. What is perhaps most tragic about this incident, is that, according to witnesses, the man had assaulted his wife a few weeks earlier, and she had recently moved back in with him after that prior incident. Additionally, the man had been convicted of domestic violence back in 2010 as well.

This tragedy demonstrates just how serious the threat of domestic violence can be. Some victims become confused, accepting the abuse as part of a normal relationship, and others are simply too frightened to take any legal action. However, if victims of domestic abuse do not receive help, they may end up suffering fatal injuries. If you or someone you know is suffering from domestic abuse, please contact an attorney as soon as possible in order to take legal action.

Source: News-Leader, “Man sentenced 25 years for murder of his wife; had abused her before,” Jon Swedien, Nov. 6, 2015

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