
Nearly half of domestic violence cases are unassisted

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Friday, June 19, 2015.

We often talk about how serious Missouri treats domestic violence, and we recently reported on a state congressman who is taking steps to increase resources devoted to reducing domestic violence and assisting victims. New statistics indicate that this help cannot come quickly enough, as many shelters are struggling to provide the necessary assistance for domestic violence victims. Whether it is employees being released or lack of funding, the fact is that many individuals are unable to receive the help they need.

Across the entire country, approximately half of the nation’s domestic violence victims did not receive any service or assistance. According to the NNEDV report, almost 50 percent of the requests that were not serviced related to shelter. Other areas that were unable to provide necessary service included transportation and financial assistance. According to the census, more than 50 staff positions were cut last year, most of which were positions in shelters or legal advocacy.

It is disheartening to hear that our state struggles to meet the needs of domestic violence victims, and frightening to know that some victims were denied help. It takes an extraordinary amount of courage to come forward with a domestic violence story, and for that courage to be met with disappointment is truly tragic. Still, domestic violence victims must not lose hope.

The law is very clear when it comes to domestic violence, and victims of such an atrocity have rights. If you are a victim of domestic violence, please do not hesitate to contact an attorney about your circumstances. You could receive the legal defenses afforded to which you are entitled, such as protection orders or restraining orders. It is up to all of Missouri to treat domestic violence with the level of severity that it demands.

Source: CBS St. Louis, “Domestic Violence Report: 47% of Requests for Help Not Met,” Carol Daniel, June 11, 2015

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