
Assistance for domestic violence victims in Missouri

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Friday, April 17, 2015.

Domestic violence is a tragic issue that affects thousands of American citizens, and while women are usually considered the victims, men and children can be victims of domestic abuse as well. Domestic violence does not discriminate, and it can be one of the most traumatic experiences for a person to suffer. Home should be the one place that you can shrug off your cares and relax, but if you live with an abuser, you may be hard pressed to find peace of mind at any point in your life.

One of the worst parts about domestic abuse is the feelings of fear and helplessness that come with the abuse. Victims of domestic violence often feel that they cannot escape the abuse, or that if they try to escape, their abuser will only make things worse for them or other family members. Because of the volatile nature of domestic violence cases, the state of Missouri has set up many resources for victims to take advantage of and perhaps escape their torment.

This webpage provides a massive listing of different options victims of domestic violence can use to seek assistance or refuge. It lists contact information, including phone numbers and street addresses, for many different coalitions and groups that seek to help victims of various types of abuse, including sexual assault and elder abuse.

In addition to the statewide resources listed, the website also offers local resources so you can find the closest form of assistance to your unique circumstances. Of course another useful resource would be an attorney who can help you set up an order of protection. If you are able to contact an attorney, you may find help building a case against your abuser that ensures they can never mistreat you again.

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