
Man kidnaps ex-girlfriend’s child to regain his property

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Unmarried Couples on Friday, May 30, 2014.

Moving in with your partner is a wonderful time, full of happiness and exciting new lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, not all relationships work out, and couples who once lived together happily might end up splitting, sometimes even violently. In these instances, it can often be difficult to discern property ownership, and even once ownership is identified, claiming assets from angry or hurt ex-lovers can be a difficult process. You may think that you are alone in this struggle, but you should know that you have legal options, and you don’t need to resort to aggressive tactics to recover personal property.

A Californian reportedly invaded his ex-girlfriend’s house and kidnapped the woman’s child. Although he returned the child only 10 minutes later, he still took the 3-year old away from a baby sitter while he was armed with a baseball bat, all because of a property dispute between him and his ex-girlfriend. As the baby sitter tried to protest the kidnapping, the 22-year-old man stated that he would bring the child back when his ex-girlfriend returned his possessions. Fortunately, the child was unharmed, and the man was later arrested.

Missouri residents might also find themselves in a dispute with a former domestic partner, and property disputes are a real possibility. It can be difficult to decide just who truly owns a particular asset, and in a fit of frustration, some people take foolish actions in an effort to claim what they believe is theirs. However, violence and aggression are not acceptable ways to resolve property disputes.

For those who are dealing with property disputes with former domestic partners, there are legal avenues to explore that can divide the property efficiently and effectively. Missouri law considers all property in a domestic relationship as personal property, which means that you retain legal possession of it. Missouri residents can take advantage of legal protection to ensure that they receive what is rightfully theirs.

Source: Daily News, “California man kidnapped ex-girlfriend’s 3-year-old child over property dispute: police,” Joel Landau, May 21, 2014

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