
Domestic violence victims can find security from Missouri law

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Friday, May 2, 2014.

Domestic violence is one of the most horrific and terrifying issues that can arise in a relationship. It can undermine the fundamental feeling of safety and security in an individual’s life. Victims of domestic violence don’t feel safe in their own homes, and if there are children in the relationship, the violence can extend to the children as well. As frightening as domestic violence is, victims must find the courage to stop it before it is too late.

A tragic murder-suicide occurred recently in Indiana, following a pattern that is all too familiar for domestic violence victims and their advocates. The couple were going through a divorce, and the wife had taken the children and moved in with her mother in Chicago months earlier. The husband had previously faced charges after the woman alleged that he had raped her and threatened the children. This is the second instance of a domestic violence case turning to murder in Indiana in only a month.

Of course domestic violence does not discriminate based on geography. Violent relationships are just as real of a threat in Missouri as they are in Indiana or anywhere in the country. Some may wonder why victims of domestic abuse don’t simply end the relationship and leave their abusers, but statistics indicate that victims who leave a relationship have a 75 percent higher chance of being killed. A violent relationship is something nobody should have to suffer through, but running is extremely dangerous, so what can victims of domestic violence do to feel safe again?

The laws regarding domestic violence are very strict in Missouri, providing protection to help victims feel safe. Effective legal counsel can provide victims with an Ex Parte Order of Protection that will help them feel safe until a long-term restraining order can be enacted. You don’t have to suffer through domestic abuse. The law is on your side.

Source: Post-Tribune, “Domestic violence ending in death follows pattern familiar to victim advocates,” Christin Nance Lazerus, April 26, 2014

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