
Missouri professor helps fight domestic violence with app

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Thursday, February 27, 2014.

Any violent encounter can be distressing and traumatic. Sometimes, however, this violence can come from within a person’s own home or from the people closest to them. It can be difficult to recognize or admit to the signs of domestic violence and even harder to break away from it. In an attempt to combat this, a nursing professor from the University of Missouri has joined a team of researchers working on an app to help people in violent relationships.

The smartphone app, which is aimed primarily at women between the ages of 18 and 24, consists of a series of questions. These questions, which can be answered for one’s own situation, or for that of a friend, aim to help the user understand whether there are any causes for concern within a relationship. The app also generates a safety plan based on the user’s responses.

A couple began the project 10 years ago after their daughter lost her life at the hands of her partner. Many people who experience domestic abuse do not feel comfortable calling a helpline, so the app is designed to offer hope and support to individuals who might not otherwise be able to seek help.

Missouri’s legislation regarding domestic violence is stringent and aims to provide support and protection to individuals who face emotional or physical abuse from those close to them. People have the right to feel safe in their day-to-day life and to seek protection if they become the target of such treatment. Similarly, wrongful domestic abuse charges can have a significant impact on a person’s life, so it is important to know your rights and be able to defend yourself in the face of such allegations.

Source: Columbia Daily Tribune, “University of Missouri professor on team that helped create anti-violence app,” Ashley Jost, Feb. 17, 2014

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