
Military vets often face financial struggles

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Military Divorce on Tuesday, January 7, 2014.

It goes without saying that members of the military are often faced with stressful circumstances.  This is especially true of those service members on active duty and stationed overseas.  The possibility of a divorce generally will not help out their situation.

One 36-year-old woman had spent eight years in the Army Reserves.  She states that a divorce put her into a financial tailspin which resulted in her and her children having to spend time in what is called a shelter program.  “When my husband left, I didn’t have a Plan B as to how to support me and my children.  I was blindsided and facing eviction,” she said.

In one locality, the Veterans Administration has provided a $1.1 million grant to provide a safety net for veterans who are in danger of losing their homes. There were already a large number of low-income veterans in that region and a significant portion of them were facing homelessness. The problems these veterans face when at the same time trying to support and raise their children will only be magnified.

While any programs that help out struggling vets are welcome, that such programs are deemed necessary indicates how widespread this problem is. Though some of the veterans are only in need of temporary assistance, there are also many veterans that have not identified themselves as being in a financial plight.

Missouri veterans struggling with financial issues that are going through the process of a divorce should speak to experienced military divorce attorneys to discover all of their legal options. These attorneys also have knowledge of resources that veterans may require to cope with their various personal and financial issues.

Source:, “$1.1 Million VA Grant Helping Struggling Vets,” Mark Price, Jan. 7, 2013

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