
Domestic violence accusation leads to job resignation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Monday, July 1, 2013.

Recently, a high school hockey coach resigned after a complaint was made to the district about previously being investigated for domestic abuse. The coach ended up resigning just based on the complaint being filed with the district, as he was never convicted on any charges related to domestic violence.

The fact that the coach resigned due to a previous accusation regarding domestic violence speaks to not only the importance of more people viewing domestic abuse as a community problem, but also just how much a person’s life can be affected merely by domestic violence accusations.

Greg Diehl, director of the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center said high-profile domestic violence cases, such as the one involving this high school coach, should serve as a reminder to people that domestic abuse is a problem in the community.

He went on to say that it used to be that abuse was kept quiet and viewed at as a personal matter that should stay in the family. However, for domestic violence to end it needs to be looked at as a community problem and one that will not be tolerated.

It must also be remembered that domestic violence is a complicated issue and one that affects both men and women. Often those who are victims do not report the abuse and have a hard time leaving their husband or wife who is hurting them. This is due to a myriad of reasons, including fear, shame and love.

In looking at this case against the hockey coach though; it is important to point out that he was never convicted of domestic violence.

There are plenty of cases in Missouri, and throughout the U.S., were false accusations of abuse are made. This is not to say this was the case with this hockey coach, but it does point to the fact that even just accusations can have a negative effect on someone’s personal life. This is why it is important to contact a family law attorney whenever there is abuse — or even just allegations of abuse.

Source: Inforum, “Coach’s resignation shines light on domestic violence in region,” Cali Owings, June 29, 2013

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