
High-asset divorces can be quite complex

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Tuesday, March 12, 2013.

There are certainly signs of trouble in the divorce process when each side cannot agree on the stipulations of a divorce. For example, if a Missouri father is not willing to only have every other weekend visitation rights or pay out thousands of dollars in alimony, but his soon-to-be ex-wife is insistent on these things, this could be a sign the two will end up having to go to court to reach an agreement.

Looking to the future, this could end up being the case between actors Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore. Kutcher had filed for divorce almost three months ago and Moore just not filed papers related to the divorce. She checked the common “irreconcilable differences” box on the divorce paperwork, but also checked the box indicating she will be seeking spousal support from 35-year-old Kutcher.

Between the couple there are no children, so child support and child custody is not an issue in this divorce. The two have also already been separated for more than a year.

In looking at their divorce, like most celebrity couples, this certainly falls under the category of high-asset divorce. In general, these types of cases tend to be rather complex and complicated and can have rather large financial implications if not handled correctly.

In the case of Moore and Kutcher, considering the fact that Moore is herself worth millions of dollars, yet still seeking spousal support, there is a chance this divorce could end up in the courtroom.

Like any celebrity case, Missouri residents who have complex property division issues should contact an attorney who handles high-net worth divorce cases. Whether it is a disagreement over child custody, or concerns regarding how retirement accounts are to be divided, an attorney can help ensure fairness.

Source: USA Today, “Demi Moore files divorce papers seeking spousal support,” Ann Oldenburg, March 7, 2013

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