
Divorce teaches father how to parent

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Thursday, January 31, 2013.

Divorce can be no doubt challenging for fathers. Going from seeing their children day-in and day-out, to only during scheduled weekends and weekday visits can be quite challenging. This, on top of the emotions and frustrations associated with a pending divorce, can at times feel like the worst thing in the world. However, the truth is that in many ways a divorce may be a blessing in disguise.

One father, who was also a stay-at-home dad, recently shared his experience. At the time of his divorce his kids were young, just 6 months old and 2. At the time, he felt like his world was shattered. However, by spending quality one-on-one time with his kids he became grateful, not just for his children, but for the chance to be a better father.

The man had gone from working a corporate job full-time to being a stay-at-home dad. Over the next six years he spent a lot of time with his children. During this time he did the parenting basics of caring for them and also got to have fun watching them grow and learn.

Now, being remarried for 10 years, looking back he said the divorce was tough. But it really taught him how to be a better dad.

For the Missouri father reading this post, it goes to show that while things may seem tough during a divorce — and sometimes even right after — keep in mind that it does get easier.

However, in cases where an ex-wife is being unfair or even trying to stop a father from seeing his children, it is important to not just give up. Rather, talk with an attorney who has experience handling Missouri fathers’ rights cases to make sure parenting rights are being protected. If there are any issues, this attorney can help a father through the legal process of establishing and maintaining those rights.

Source: The New York Times, “When a Divorce Makes a Better Dad,” Thomas Matlack, Jan. 30, 2013

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