
Missouri division dedicated to child support matters

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Thursday, October 18, 2012.

In Missouri, officials work hard to track down and arrest those parents who owe money for child support. In fact, there’s an entire division — the Missouri Division of Child Support Enforcement — that works on behalf of custodial parents who have not been getting their court-ordered child support. This division also works with both divorced and single unmarried parents.

When it comes to owing child support, famed record producer Scott Storch found out firsthand the possible implications of not making payments. The producer, who is credited with crafting hits for Chris Brown and 50 Cent, had a warrant issued for his arrest after he failed to show up for a court hearing related to the roughly $28,300 he owes in child support.

While a warrant was put out for his arrest, his attorney said the issue would be resolved in just a few short days and was confident the warrant would be set aside.

For Missouri parents, the lesson to be learned is that unpaid child support is taken very seriously. And while in the case of Storch one can assume he is rather well-off, there are plenty of Missouri parents who are living in fear of missing their payments due to their financial struggles. However, this is where an attorney with experience in child support and who understands how the Division of Child Support Enforcement works can step in.

And, while parents in Missouri can be proactive and reach out to an attorney as soon as they sense there are going to be child support-related issues, those who have already been contacted by the Division of Child Support Enforcement should immediately look in to what their legal options are.

Source: MTV, “Scott Storch Plans To Clear Up Child Support Debt,” Rob Markman, Oct. 15, 2012

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