
Missouri Senate passes bill that addresses child neglect

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Friday, May 25, 2012.

Child safety is of utmost concern for people in Missouri and across the country. The Missouri Senate has successfully passed Senate Bill 628. This bill addresses several different matters. One of the most important issues addressed as part of this bill is child neglect and abuse. The bill creates a Joint Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect.

This committee will be comprised of seven members from both the House and Senate. The purpose of the new committee is to study child neglect and child abuse reporting as well as the investigations surrounding these reports. The committee will then determine a plan to assist in the process of making the decision to remove an at-risk child from a home.

This will potentially give children in Missouri better protection against abuse and neglect. Children, understandably, must be properly protected against the possibility of child neglect. The Senate bill also addresses other domestic situations. The bill terminates the parental rights of a supposed father during a criminal rape case until the verdict is reached in the matter. Again, this portion of the bill is designed to protect the child’s rights and ensure that no abuse will take place.

Protecting children against child neglect is essential since children are vulnerable. The bill also modifies the laws that pertain to victims of domestic assault and child abuse. It clarifies the definition of ‘vulnerable persons’ and defines acts that are unlawfully committed in those instances. The bill had bipartisan support and was handled by House Representative Chris Kelly. It was successfully passed in mid-May.

Source: Boonville Daily News, “Political Watch,” May 23, 1012

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