
Settling custody issues can be easier with help

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Friday, June 17, 2016.

Divorce is rarely easy and is often contentious. It is so easy for spouses to become extremely agitated when working out the details of a divorce. While it’s one thing to debate over property or assets, it is quite another to be in conflict in matters regarding children. Regardless of how poorly you may believe your soon-to-be ex-spouse behaved during the marriage, it is important to remember that he or she is your child’s other parent.

So when working on your parenting agreement, there are many factors that you may wish to take into account. Of paramount concern has to be what is in the best interests of your child. This takes trying to assess your situation as realistically as possible. For example, what sort of relationship does your child have with his or her other parent? Is your ex attentive or neglectful? What role has he or she played in your child’s growth and development?

When you are at serious odds with someone else, it can be difficult to see past their flaws. However, it is important to try to see this person’s true value in your child’s life. Make no mistake; the court will be doing just that when considering the final terms of your custody agreement.

Working through custody issues can be very difficult and even emotionally charged if you attempt to do it on your own. For this reason, it can be very beneficial to solicit the services of an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can help you work on a parenting agreement that serves your child’s best interests.

We at the Stange Law Firm understand that working out the details of a custody agreement involves a variety of emotional and legal issues. We are prepared to answer your questions and help you get custody terms that will prove beneficial to all involved parties, especially your children. Please read our custody and support page for more information.

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