
Dog allegedly stolen in property dispute

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Unmarried Couples on Monday, May 9, 2016.

When an unmarried couple decides to live together, it can be a very happy moment for the couple and could ultimately bring them closer. However, if the couple eventually splits, the resulting dispute of assets could be extremely problematic. Unless the couple kept detailed records of which assets belonged to whom, the split can devolve into an argument of one person’s word against the other. In extreme circumstances, people may take matters into their own hands.

Recently in Oregon, a landlord allegedly gave her tenant less than 24-hours’ notice to suddenly move out of the property. As the tenant frantically attempted to move all of her property out of the house, she allegedly took a pair of saddles that belonged to the landlord. Reports state that the landlord then arrived at the house of the tenant’s father, stating that she would be taking the tenant’s dog as collateral until the saddles were returned. The landlord later arrived at a nearby police station and is currently facing robbery and theft charges.

Even though this situation involved a landlord and a tenant, and it occurred in Oregon, it is a valuable lesson that unmarried couples all across the country can learn from, even couples in Missouri. If a couple breaks up, and one party owns the house, the other party will likely be asked to leave. In an attempt to collect property, assets that are contested may be misplaced or taken, and the resulting legal dispute could be catastrophically complicated.

In a property dispute, the answer is never to steal another person’s property as collateral, especially not a living creature. Instead, consider contacting an attorney who can help you pursue legal avenues to recover the property that you believe is rightfully yours.

Source: KGW, “Marion Co. dog-napping suspect rides limo to surrender to police,” Max Barr and Katherine Cook, May 2, 2016

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