
Missouri women accused of child abuse

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Thursday, April 2, 2015.

One of the primary responsibilities of family law is to protect children who cannot protect themselves. This is why when couples are going through a divorce, a great deal of focus is put on determining the custody arrangement based on what is in the best interests of the child. The courts want to ensure that the children will be treated well and cared for so that they develop into healthy, productive members of society.

Of course determining which parent gets custody in a divorce is not the only area of childcare that courts get involved in. Courts are more than happy to get involved in a custody case when custodial parents appear to be neglecting or abusing their children. Such a case occurred recently in Missouri when police responded to a call claiming that a ten-year-old had run away from home. When they found the child, they were concerned by what they saw.

According to documents, detectives noticed possible fingernail scratches on the child’s face, and the youngster also could not control its bowel movements. Investigators searched the house that the child lived in and found feces on the bed, as well as urine-filled bottles on the floor. A five-year-old who lived in the residence claimed that the ten-year-old was frequently beaten and locked in the basement for stealing food.

Instances like this are not acceptable under Missouri law, and parents who are so neglectful of their children face serious risk of losing custody rights. If you suspect that a child you know is being abused, you should consider contacting the authorities so that the legal system can protect the child and ensure that it receives the care it needs.

Source: The Examiner, “Two Independence women charged with child abuse,” Brandon Dumsky, Mar. 24, 2015

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