
Handling property disputes for domestic partnerships

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Unmarried Couples on Wednesday, January 7, 2015.

While some divorces end with both parties on good terms, many divorces are a messy business with both sides wanting to walk away from the relationship with more than the other. This is one of the reasons that the courts step in, to divide things like assets and child custody in a way that is fair to both parties based on the circumstances. But as messy as divorce can be, unmarried domestic partners who split up have it even worse in many ways.

When a married couple divorces, their assets are gathered up and divided between them. Regardless of the purpose for which something was purchased, it is considered marital property and could thus be divided. This is not necessarily the case for unmarried domestic partners. When you are in a long-term domestic partnership with someone, it can be difficult to identify with proof what property is actually yours, and what property you bought as a couple with your partner.

Without any real way to denote what is personal property and what is not, unmarried couples can have a very hard time dividing their property if they split up. In some extreme cases, people even resort to threats or acts of violence in order to ensure that they walk away with property they believe is rightfully theirs.

If you and your former domestic partner are involved in a property dispute, you should know that there are still legal options that you can take advantage of, even if you were not married. Missouri still considers property in a domestic partnership as personal property, and enlisting the aid of an attorney who is familiar with such cases can help ensure that you receive the property that you deserve. Visit our webpage to find out more information about property disputes for unmarried couples in Missouri, and find out how we can help you with your case.

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