
MU doctoral student finds Twitter may play a role in divorce

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Thursday, April 10, 2014.

Obviously, nobody goes into a marriage expecting it to end in divorce. Building a life with your partner is exciting and can lead to many different challenges. But at times, some challenges may become insurmountable. Due to many factors, divorce rates have been high in our country for quite some time. While there are many different issues that contribute to this trend, a new study indicates that Twitter may be a serious home wrecker.

A study performed by a University of Missouri doctoral candidate found that active Twitter users often end up in Twitter-related conflicts with their partners, leading to more serious family law matters such as cheating or divorce. Almost 600 individuals took part in the survey, with respondents ranging between 18 and 67 years old. The results showed that the more active Twitter users became, the more actively they had conflicts with significant others.

While this study seems to indicate that Twitter users may reap the benefits of a healthier marriage if they cut back on their Twitter usage, the trouble could be a symptom of a preexisting and underlying issue. Many would assert that people shouldn’t have to keep from using social media for the sake of their marriage, because a good relationship would have a strong foundation based on mutual trust.

Of course ending a marriage isn’t as easy as changing your Facebook status to single. There are a number of legal precedents set to handle asset division and legal separation in a divorce. If there are children involved, divorce proceedings can become even more complicated. If you or a loved one is considering divorce, effective legal counsel can help you work toward a fair outcome.

Source: CTVnews, “Twitter use linked to cheating, divorce: study,” Marlene Leung, April 7, 2014

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