
For some military couples, counseling helps

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Military Divorce on Wednesday, January 22, 2014.

Life in the military has its ups and downs, and as a couple there are more demands than that of a typical marriage. There are long periods of deployment and hours of training that cause many stresses on a relationship. Spouses have admitted to choosing to be distant and using their frustrations as an outlet and as a means of resolution. With military divorce on the rise, counselors are doing what they can to help rebuild the broken bond.

These feelings of frustration and want for an out have been shared across many of the military families who at one time or another had a spouse involved in an active deployment. The Department of Defense released an article that brought light to the situation that not only was the time being deployed difficult, but leaving and coming back weren’t any easier.

Professional naval base counselors have helped many military couples regain their footing, and they even have programs for children. Their goal of course is to ease the anxiety that deployment brings to everyone involved, not only for the family members but also so the soldier can be prepared mentally for his or her mission.

The high divorce rate in the military shows there are many obstacles to be faced. Some couples have found counseling to ease the stress while others found the best route was to dissolve their marriage.

Many military couples find themselves in this situation. They give it a try and find their married military lifestyle no longer works for them. Fortunately, there are professionals that can help you and your spouse handle the impact of a divorce in a delicate and graceful manner.

Source: The Lighthouse, “Couples counseling can rekindle a relationship’s warmth,”Lori Steinhauer, Jan. 15, 2014

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