
Women deployed much more likely to divorce than male counterpart

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Military Divorce on Friday, December 20, 2013.

Missouri readers may be interested to know that the divorce rate for women in the U.S. military is more than twice that of men.  Though the divorce rate for female military members has decreased these past two years, it reached an all-time high in 2011 of eight percent.  The divorce rate for men in the military has remained at 2.9 percent for a number of years.

One researcher theorized that women are at higher risk of facing divorce when deployed than are men.  There may have been a decrease in divorces this last couple of years precisely because of less women having been deployed.

This may be in part because of gender role stereotypes.  “The military increasingly treats women the same as it treats men in terms of their work expectations,” he said.  “However, society still expects them to fulfill their family roles.”

A military divorce is often the result of the stress that couples are under to begin with.  There are also a number of unique issues that will need to be resolved in the event that a divorce takes place.  It’s always a good idea for anyone contemplating a divorce that is in the military or married to someone in the military to seek the advice and counsel of an attorney experienced in this area.

Not every attorney deals in military divorces as a matter of routine.  And because at least one of the individuals involved is often deployed, these matters require special arrangements so that constant contact with the military member can be maintained.  Attorneys can help assure that the process will be fair for both parties in the event that such a divorce occurs.

Source: Marilyn Stowe Blog, “Divorce rate more than twice as high for women in the military,” Dec. 20, 2013

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