
Ochocinco jailed in domestic violence case

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Monday, June 10, 2013.

Domestic violence should always be taken very seriously. Whether the accusation is true or false — these types of charges can really come back to bite someone, especially when it comes to child custody and visitation issues. Basically, if a judge believes a mother or father is dangerous, this could weigh heavy when it comes to making custodial decisions.

However, these types of accusations should still be taken very seriously, especially in the courtroom, even if children are not in the picture.

One could imagine Chad Johnson, also known as Chad Ochocinco learned this lesson first hand. Originally, the judge was going to accept a no-jail plea deal from the former NFL star. This would have meant community service and counseling. However, after joking around in court by slapping his attorney on the backside, the judge decided to reject the plea. Due to his behavior, the judge rejected the deal and he was led out of court in handcuffs to serve a 30 day jail sentence.

The sentencing is in relation to a probation violation in a domestic violence case. In that case, Johnson had pled no contest to head butting his wife, TV star Evelyn Lozada. The two had only been married for barely a month when the altercation turned violent. She filed for divorce shortly after the incident.

In general, when it comes to divorce, domestic violence can add another element to the situation. And, while it is always recommended to consult with an attorney when going through a divorce, when there are any claims of abuse, it is especially important to not try to go at the situation alone.

Source: The Associated Press, “Chad Johnson gets 30 days in jail in domestic violence case,” Curt Anderson, June 10, 2013

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