
Missouri legislation concerning foster children care

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Family Law on Friday, May 24, 2013.

The Missouri legislature has taken steps to make it easier for individuals to assume the role of being foster parents in our state.  Missouri Senate Bill 47 allows for distant relatives and individuals with family ties to receive additional subsidization for taking on the role of guardianship for children.

The Missouri legislature seems to be aware of the important and vital role that foster parents can play.  Providing a stable and often permanent home for children is an invaluable benefit for everyone.

Too often these children are shipped from one location to another when they deserve so much more.  It is the foster parents and step parents that are ultimately making a commitment for what would be best for these children.

Consulting with an experienced family law attorney can be useful if one is considering becoming a foster parent or even adoption of a child.  Attorneys can allow for couples to get to know the child while allowing someone else to take care of various legal requirements.  Attorneys can also help individuals avoid obstacles to their future goals in relation to these children.  Finally, attorneys can also place individuals in touch with needed resources when it comes to the raising of these children.

Prior to this legislation taking effect, only grandparents or first and second cousins could receive such subsidies for assuming guardianship.  Unfortunately, children coming from broken homes may require more options than this.  Now third cousins or even God parents will be provided with the opportunity of receiving these subsidies when taking over the care for these children.

Source:, “The Missouri Legislature took a positive step Tuesday for children in foster care,” by Jessi Brawley, May 8, 2013

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