
Don’t let a child custody dispute turn into a domestic situation

On behalf of Stange Law Firm, PC posted in Domestic Violence on Tuesday, October 9, 2012.

When it comes to child custody matters, tempers can easily flare between parents. In some cases, these tempers can even flare to the point of a domestic situation, which can only further complicate issues regarding child custody and visitation. This is why police warn for parents to get out of a situation before it gets physical. Rather, deal with any disagreements regarding a parenting plan through the court system.

According to police, calls related to child custody and domestic assaults are more common on the weekends when parents are dropping off and picking up children. Many times these issues are related to visitation and not agreeing with the parenting plan that has already been set forth.

However, instead of letting the issue rise to the point where police are called, the advice is to pull back from the situation — even if it can’t be immediately resolved — and for a parent to call their attorney. This way, the issues can be taken care of in a peaceful, safe and legal way, most likely in the courtroom.

In general, when it comes to parenting plans, the issues also tend to resolve around the plan itself not being clear to both parents. This can lead one parent to believe it’s their time with the child, when in fact it’s not.

This is why it’s important for Missouri parents to have a clear understanding of the terms of any parenting plans before it’s put into action. Again, for many parents, it’s a good idea to have an attorney present during the finalization of these types of plans.

Source: KNDU 25, “Police warn child custody disputes can turn violent,” Jane Sander, Oct. 8, 2012

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